4 Ways to Send a Gift from UK to India, Without the Stress

As if finding the perfect gift for a loved one wasn’t already hard enough, looking for a reliable parcel service from UK to India could mean more problems for you. Read this handy guide so you can survive the experience with your sanity intact:

Read the list

Every country updates its own list of restricted and banned goods. That includes India. Before you send over anything, take a long and hard look at the list. Be sure the item you plan on sending isn’t on the list because that would mean complications you could do without.

Prepare the documentation

Sending over a parcel will go much, much easier if you have the necessary documentation and paperwork all laid up and prepared for customs officials. If you want your parcel to go in and out of customs channels as quickly as possible, make sure the documentation checks out.

Determine the costs

You aren’t just going to pay for delivery charges, you’ll need to factor in taxes and dues as well. Be sure you have enough in your budget to cover those costs. High value items will set you back more in terms of tariffs on duty and tax than if you’re sending a gift, though, so can count on a bit of cost-savings if you’re just sending over a parcel for a friend or family.

Plan your delivery

Check the delivery schedules, says the CNBC in advance. Mind the dates in case the company is closed on certain days, due to a holiday or event. Also, if you must have those gifts delivered, be sure you aren’t doing the same thing hundreds of other gift-buying obsessed people are doing: sending their packages right before the holidays. With a ton of deliveries, there’s a higher risk that your package will be delayed. Avoid the holiday rush by adjusting your gift-sending schedule.

Do it in advance

Don’t call up a parcel service from UK to India to deliver your gift at the last minute. If you need to catch a birthday or your anniversary, have the parcel delivered a few days early. This is a good precautionary measure since some deliveries could face delays due to bad weather, customs issues or transport problems, among other things. An early delivery, especially during the holidays, could spare you from all that. If you don’t want to miss your loved one’s special day, have the package sent as soon as possible.