Consider These 5 Things Before You Pick an International Parcel Service

International parcel delivery services can the right solution to your delivery needs. However, you’ll need to determine whether you’ll go for land, air or sea. Here are a few things you need to consider:

Costs of air freight

You can choose to send the parcels overland or sea. That’s going to give you considerable cost-savings especially since air freight forwarding is expensive. It’s the most expensive option out of the three. By opting for land or sea delivery, you can already save on costs.

Not always in a rush

Not all your customers are demanding. Not all of them would want their parcels delivered in a rush. Ask your customers if they’re willing to wait in exchange for lower shipping rates and plenty of them will say yes. That’s good news for you as well.

Packing assistance

Goods delivered overseas need extra strong and sturdy packing material. They need to be safe and secure. Some delivery services offer packing assistance that addresses this issue. That’s one good reason why you shouldn’t take on the packing yourself. You could save you a ton on time and money by engaging the services of experts. Hire pros to make sure everything will square up right. With their help and support, those parcels will be packed up tight and secure and be ready to go in no time.

Urgent orders

However, for parcels that are time-sensitive, like medication, food and other types of perishables, you’ll need to look for a courier service that handles express, overnight or same day deliveries. Take a look at the company’s roster of services to know if they handle rush jobs and orders. If things work out, then you already know what company to call the next time someone asks for a rush job. By using air freight, you can fulfill rush orders with great ease, says MasterCard Biz.

Service levels

Pick international parcel delivery services that demonstrate excellent service levels. A superior courier service can deliver those parcels on time, which will go a long way to helping you build the kind of credibility and dependability you want for your brand and business. Customers are more likely to buy or pay for your services if they find you trustworthy. Happy customers will blog about you, mention your organization to their friends and family and before you know it, help you build a solid reputation—all because you hired the right courier service.